Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He said 'DUCK'!!

No way! My one year old just crawled up to me with his little rubby ducky toy and said 'A Du'... He has made sounds before that have resembled words, but only immediately after he hears them. He did this entirely on his own. Pretty soon he will be parrotting everything he hears! It's so exciting to hear him start communicating with words. He definitely understands more than he can say, I think it's amazing how babies pick up the human language in just a few short years. Their brains are like little sponges, just saoking up all the knowledge they can take in. They can learn pretty much anything. That's why it's so important to instill good values into them at an early age. I once heard that people's characters are shaped more in the first few years of life than any other time. Even though we can't remember the first few years of our lives, I believe our subcouncious always keeps a record of what we were exposed to.

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